Tuesday, September 24, 2013

3 Months Later

I'm finally posting again. I've been busy. If that's the proper word for it.

If busy can properly cover seizures, broken bones, sprained ankles, visits from in-laws and family, the birthday of your eldest, your youngest starting crawling and standing, your middle child swallowing a quarter, dropping a brick on her own hand, and getting bit by a dog, making a week-long trip to visit your own family and help with family issues, and your two oldest daughters starting school back up... then yeah, I've been busy. And this little blog fell to the wayside.

But, now that things are calming, I can get back to what I originally intended to do here. Post recipes I like, changes I'm working on in my life, projects I have going, arts and crafts, household tips, and my normal snark that I have to get out somewhere.

It's a lot of crap for a little blog, but I'm kind of renaissance in my life - I do a little of everything. Maybe with time, I'll find a single direction for posting, but for now, this blog is, essentially, a household journal.

And, now that I have this blog post finally taken care of, I'm off for my second goal for the day - a shower.

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