Monday, June 10, 2013

Conversation between me and my husband

Me: "I'm pretty sure I'm living the real life adaptation of 'Everybody Poops'."

DH: "What did you just say?"

Me: "Well, I got up this morning, and let the dogs out. And while I'm scooping the kitten's box, I look out the window to see Belle-Dog and Dog-Bell pooping simultaneously and staring at me guiltily. Just as I get done with the litter box, Critter insists he needs his diaper changed. And he does - it's a complete blow-out. Then, as I am using the restroom, I look into the trash can to realize that YDD has put her dirty toilet paper in the trash can. Again. So - real life adaptation of 'Everybody Poops'."

DH: "What the hell is wrong with you?"

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