Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today is the First Day...

Of summer vacation.

We have a full summer ahead of us. I could just do like I've done every other year and send my kids outside with a bottle of water and some sunscreen, but I made this huge list of things we're going to do this summer.

It's actually not at all daunting. We have arts and crafts projects (painted pots, stepping stones, bird feeders), simple pleasures (blow dandelions, watch a sunset), family activities (go to the movies, have a pajama night, have a card night), culinary adventures (learn to cook with mom, eat a new food every week, try a new restaurant) and sight seeing (go to the aquarium, various museums, the zoo, the water park, the beach). And it's all written up on a cheap poster board with my favorite sharpies with little squares to mark off as we go.

Of course, we're off to an auspicious start to the summer - it's raining. I appreciate the rain. It keeps the ground fires at bay, and in a state made of up of mostly unprocessed bark dust (trees), it's preferable that things remain moist. But my kids don't appreciate the rain - it keeps them inside.

So here's to summer, and to finishing what is essentially a three month project!

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